Challenge #001
Sign Up
Prompt: Design a sign up page, modal, form, app screen, etc.
Solution: Applying my personal brand to two colour variant sign up screens.​​​​​​​
Challenge #002 
Credit Card Checkout
Prompt: Design a credit card checkout form or page. Don't forget the important elements such as the numbers, dates, security numbers, etc.
Solution: Who doesn't love a great rugby game and dressing the part.
Challenge #003 
Landing Page (Above the Fold)
Prompt: What's the main focus? Is it for a book, an album, a mobile app, a product? Consider important landing page elements (call-to-actions, clarity, etc.) 

Solution: Apply my personal brand as the basis for promoting our services to clients and enticing them with a free consultation with limited quantities.
Challenge #004 
Prompt: Design a calculator. Standard, scientific, or specialty calculator for something such as a mortgage? Is it for a phone, a tablet, a web app?

Solution: Keeping is stripped down to it essential elements, I've designed a standard calculator to be clean and easy to read and operate to limit a users cognitive load.
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